Most people believe that Spring is the best time to update their yards, but Fall is actually a better time to complete your outdoor enhancements. There are plenty of reasons why Fall is a prime season for landscape projects like planting, pruning, or adding irrigation. Here’s why:

Plants and trees

Fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs because it’s the best environment for these plants to become established. As cooler temperatures come in and increased rain comes down, the Fall season helps the root systems to develop and reduces the initial shock a plant experiences when it is transplanted.


These cooler months are also a great opportunity to take care of your lawn. Your lawn should be given a proper feeding with a winterizer fertilizer at a minimum. This will give your lawn the nutrients it needs before the winter season comes. You should also rake fallen leaves regularly to give your lawn maximum light and air flow.

Irrigation and drainage

Fall is the perfect time to take advantage of the cooler months and assess your irrigation system.  This can help determine any potential problems for winter drainage. You should ensure that it’s properly winterized in time for the cold temperatures on the way to avoid any freezing or cracking pipes.

Winter prepping

While lawns need to be fertilized in the fall, most plants should not receive feeding during this time, but they should be pruned. Along with pruning, another important step in prepping for winter is to cut back any weeds you notice growing wild. When it comes to pest control, you should wait to treat your plants until dormancy in the winter.

Maintaining your home’s landscaping can be an arduous task, but Elite Development Group makes it easy with upscale monthly maintenance services for your home and garden. Contact us today and let the professionals keep your garden looking fresh.